Электроника>>Фотография и Фототехника>>In search of excellence. Fashion model Anna Davidovich./В поисках совершенства. Фотомодель Анна Давидович.
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“One is not really a photographer until the preoccupation with learning has been outgrown and the camera in his hands is an extension of himself. This is where creativity begins”. Carl Mydans
Anna Davidovich. Photo by Vlad Artemov.
Elena. Photo by Sal Patalano.
Anna Davidovich. Photo by Vlad Shutov. Great Master photographers, when they shoot not on request, but for the Soul, rarely work with professional models, as a rule, their choice is random and based on intuition, but it is always unmistakable. What is next? Then it does not matter if only one shot will be taken or a beautiful long history of joint creativity will turn out, but we will definitely get masterpieces. So why, after all, the masters of photography give preference not to models but to randomly met strangers? It is simple. Each photograph should tell the viewer its own unique story. Working with professional models is easy, and yes, each model has its own story, but they are all very similar to each other, like the same story heard in different interpretations. It is even easier to take a photosession with the actors, any story will be skillfully depicted and captured in the photo.
Anna Davidovich. Photo by Vlad Shutov.
Elena. Photo by Sal Patalano.
Anna Davidovich. Photo by Vlad Artemov.
Elena. Photo by Sal Patalano.
Anna Davidovich. Photo by Vlad Shutov.
Anna Davidovich. Photo by Vlad Artemov.
Elena. Photo by Sal Patalano.
Anna Davidovich. Photo by Vlad Shutov.
Anna Davidovich. Photo by Vlad Artemov.
Elena. Photo by Sal Patalano.
Anna Davidovich. Photo by Vlad Shutov.
Elena. Photo by Sal Patalano.
Anna Davidovich. Photo by Vlad Shutov.
Elena. Photo by Sal Patalano.
Anna Davidovich. Photo by Vlad Artemov.
Anna Davidovich. Photo by Vlad Shutov.
But when you work with people you meet by chance, then there are no two similar destinies and the main thing is to get frankness from the person sitting in front of the camera. Therefore, the photographer must be a psychologist and be able, at the right time, to make the person want to tell the truth. It is safe to say that we will see the results of the work of three wonderful photographers at exhibitions, as well as on the Internet more than once. We will closely follow the creative paths of Elena and Anna and acquaint dear readers with their work.
Sal Patalano e-mail: sal.patalano@gmail.com, www.flickr.com
Карл Миданс
Помните, в бессмертном произведении И. Ильфа и Е. Петрова «Двенадцать стульев» Остап Бендер в своей лекции, посвященной шахматному мастерству, говорил: «Мы видим, что блондин играет хорошо, а брюнет играет плохо. И никакие лекции не изменят этого соотношения сил...»? Точно также можно сказать и о работе фотомодели и фотографа. Если человек родился под счастливой звездой и судьба наделила его талантами, то они обязательно проявятся, главное — найти ту самую поляну, где именно это произойдет.
Sal Patalano e-mail: sal.patalano@gmail.com, www.flickr.com
1. In search of excellence. Fashion model Anna Davidovich. |
Дата: 26.01.2021